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Beef and healthy diet -

21-12-2016 à 11:33:20
Beef and healthy diet
Beef is high in saturated fat, but is it totally bad for you. Internal links within this website are funded and maintained by the Beef Checkoff. Your taste buds may not thank you for giving up the T-bone, but your heart surely will. So, for example, a 3-ounce serving of beef steak has about 150 calories and 6 grams fat. What some people might find surprising is that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and leading health organizations recognize lean meat as a nutrient-rich food and recommend lean meat as part of a healthy diet. How can I be happy with a 3-ounce portion. The key to enjoying beef to choose leaner cuts of beef, such as round steaks and some parts of sirloin steaks. A serving of 90 percent lean ground beef has about 145 calories. BOLD News about Beef and Heart Health: New research shows that eating lean beef every day, as part of a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle, can improve cholesterol profiles. One serving size of beef is only three to four ounces, or about the size of a typical deck of playing cards. Legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas and dry beans are high in protein but low in saturated fat.

Grass fed beef appears to have a healthier fat profile than meat from cattle fed corn and soy feed. New Research Connects Lean Beef and Heart Health. Whatever you choose to replace some of those serving of beef, per sure to prepare them properly and stay away from dishes like fried chicken and fish sticks that are high in fat, sodium and calories. These health risks are increased with all types of red meat but are worse for processed red meats such as lunch meat and sausages, which may be made with beef or pork. Sirloin with Sugar Snap Pea and Pasta Salad. Cutting back on beef is a great time to try a few vegetarian meals. The fat and calorie counts of ground beef differ based on the fat content. For example, 3 ounces of 80 precent lean ground beef has about 210 calories, while the same size portion of 85 percent lean has about 170. Fish is another excellent substitute for beef, especially if you choose salmon, tuna, trout or other fish high in omega-3 fats. You might be scratching your head right now, mentally comparing your favorite juicy 10-ounce T-bone steak to a little three-ounce piece of lean beef. That big T-bone steak I mentioned earlier may be equal to three or four servings of beef.

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Beef and healthy diet

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